Sunday, November 27, 2016

Post Thanksgiving Crash

Starting very shortly after eating Thanksgiving dinner with the family and at the last moment extended family... Girlfriends of children and friends of said as well as the Granddaughters first.. I got the sick.

I can even tell you how fast it hit... It was fast. One moment nothing at all and the next.. gone! Cold, sore-throat, chills, headache, it was ridiculous. Now for the last few days I am battling it... and its been a back and forth thing. Day 4 and no sign of it letting up even with max over the counter medications. I need to get better quickly as we have the Red Rock Rally at the end of the week. I will be there.... Oh yes.

So as it was a short week at work.. nothing happened except the standard paperwork and division of work and minor adjustments to this and that. Loads of filing to do. Massive amount of mundane brain puddling stuff piling up but its stuff you have to have hours in a row to do and that never happens. I think I have devised a way to do it but that could be the medication kicking in. No... I have a way.

Since I have been laid up Friday was "huddle in the chair and play xbox and not try and move much" time. Ill get to that later.

Saturday we agreed to watch our Granddaughter ( silly...we are sick ) for 12 hours so the kids could go snowboarding. Yeah... bad idea.. she ran us over...LOLOL. No.. she was a treasure and very well behaved even with crawling everywhere she could possibly go and getting her outfit knees dirty with all the dust about ( Dust in New Mexico is a standard. If you think you are going to be dust free... yeah.. admit yourself to the cackle factory because its impossible to be dust free ) on every surface. She had a lot of fun but she was under the weather also so she was a slight bit slower.

Ballooning went on without us.... sad that.. but those that did get out there and enjoy the afternoon flight and some who found a thermal of four... I wish I had been able to go.. but Glad you had fun.

Its Sunday and I have a head that feels like its full of stuffing. UGH!

So.. back to Friday. I had all day to fiddle with Fallout 4 and clean up a bunch of settlements and build up some others. I have not built in the airport, the Machinists or red rocket ( cause that is my headquarters). The two mentioned have no ability to support crop growing so that really sucks. Also almost all my settlements are at at max people capacity. 22. I have been trying to trap dogs now for each lace but its hit or miss and I am running out of dog food.

I cant do edits on photographs or put video together as my eyes keep burning and my concentration is shot.

So xbox or trying to read is about it.

Here are some shots of what I was messing with....

Update to Oberland Station. 6 x 7 housing. 2 bathrooms and 22 rooms. Its the most economical use of supplies that also gives each settler their own 10x10 space. All above the ground by three levels as you cant remove the crap that is there already. I do this a lot. Plus all the raiders are mostly on the ground.

Update to the visitors center on the Island. Had a two high wall around it and wanted to close up all the gaps in the center house itself but it was impossible without modding the hell out of the game.. yeah no.. All I do are without mods. Clean game. I built over it again. There are also bodies laying about. No matter if you move them or dispose of them they reappear.. stupid. This now has a great housing and entry and even a cool lookout bump as you see below.

Try to trap dogs at Red Rocket and then send them to the settlements but the game wont allow that. So now I have a dog at Red Rocket to keep me company with IDA.

Tenpines has a height limit and you cant build up. So I had to redo this but keep it low. It worked but not my favorite. Okay. my most hated place besides the unplantable places is Hangman Alley.

Sanctuary. No way to repair the houses..No way to remove the houses.. so how about a test to build over the houses. It worked. Four rooms. Nice kitchen dining living area with two bathrooms and some additional space. Not very economical on supplies though.

Inside of the high duplex. Nice and open.

Okay. I stumbled upon this little visage while walking about Taffington Boathouse. We have a guard playing with toys on a rug... Okay..... Nothing to see here...

The Red Rocket station in Nuka World. Up about five levels and the housing is there and a nice place to lounge about after work and even some below places to hang out. Interesting build with so much open space you had unlimited ways to do stuff.. but I went with this to save on supplies.

Below the main level at Nuka Rocket is a boardwalk and support beams for the spanning of the area. Crops are on the left and water is shielded on the right.. you cant see that.

Water is what I trade in as it gives the most bang for the buck. All settlements except thos limited by size are running 300 water.

Really still a lot of fun when you have the time.. and since every movement is painful its much easier to just sit here sipping coffee and twiddling my fingers.

The plans to put up Christmas lights and decorations crashed badly. I am hoping I feel better this week so that it can get done.

No silly outings on Black Friday.. What a crock of crap that is. So much wasted money and time for deals that arnt really deals and you wouldn't touch any other time of the year. What am I going to do about Christmas gifts? I have no clue yet... but it wont be something silly like .. I got 20% off this thing for you.. cause I think I like you about that many per cent.  Yeah!

Im done.. Im cooked.. Im toasted.. going to sit in this chair with more hot coffee...

Hopefully next weekend.. great pictures of fantastic flying in Red Rock Gallup Newwwwww Mexicooooo.