Fridays Albuquerque Aloft went off great. Lots of kids and lots of fun ending in a two hour and fifteen min flight. Saturday Mo got to fly his first mass ascension and he did great. His landing after another two hours was a nice drill down to a small park ringed with trees. I drove him up the wall as I had quite different ideas on where to put the balloon. he survived and so did I. LOL.
Sunday I got to fly my cousins in a nice clockwise rolling ascent to descent into a park between the rooftop edges of an apartment complex to be snatched out of the sky by the smokey bear team. We had to have such a escent to get into the corner that was not covered up by other balloons that had already landed. It was that or fly on and flying on was not the best idea as the winds were coming up fast.
Monday we no got to fly. Winds seemed okay but in a very bad direction. and they didnt seem to want to stay going a specific way.. not stay at any speed. It sucked butt wee did get to static the racer. Not the choice for a static but she needed to get out of the bag if not up in the air. I was going to have Mo fly with me and my other cousin but that failed.. so we will try tomorrow.
The photo possibilities have been wonderful but after 15 fiestas you always look for something different. I think I found a few but there are those shots you take regardless of how many times you have that same shot... Oh.. we did do a lot of camera time for a video journalist team from New York. Mo was so caught up in it that he almost missed the flight.
Albuquerque Aloft Ponderings.
Albuquerque Aloft Patturns InCzech above.
Day 1 Friends in Baskets. The All New Kubi KKisses Of Fire in the background.
day 1 KKOF down low with nifty Zia symbol on top. Ship Of Fools off to the right.
Black Magic Woman above.
Zebra Emmers Overhead.
Glorious Ballooning Daze.
Static Highperactivity.
So.. we are resting up today and will get ready to go out at 5am tomorrow.
You.. you get to stay in bed and sleep in until its time for work. When i get to go back to work I get to sleep in.. neat huh!!