Saturday, September 12, 2015

It sneaks upon from afar.

That 777 number seems very nice now. It also seems to be dragging forward not unlike a slightly less than fresh zombie... The old kind of zombie.. not this foolish fast zombie stuff.... zombies running.. right.. and shedding bits and pieces as they go... sure Wilbur...

No... its slow going but fast going... I know for a fact that when the last day of Fiesta hits it will be me standing there going.. "Well that went fast!?!" Now what. Its happened before and it will happen again. I hope its a nice one is all I can say. Last year was very nice so I worry about this year. Hell I worry about the grass being too wet tomorrow! I am a class A constant worrier. You would be too.

This day was unusual but not in the ways of most things. Getting up and on two feet was the best thing I can say for this morning. Two feet.. one totally aching body. I mean.. really... I should have had a drag around town hitting every bar or dive in the area... jumped off a few bridges... skated behind a bike or two... run up to the crest and back all while chugging milk shakes and getting slapped with a half dead mackerel!

But drag to the coffee maker and sipping a sad bit of instant overly doused in milk and sugar to make it easier to swallow I stared at the monitor for a bit. Since this was just making me more upset I decided to throw on a few things and run the balloon down to get propane. Ortegas was open... They were not too busy and I got to pull up right away... The valve for the fuel line was a bit off and had to be put right straight up .. not over nor just under to get fuel flowing. That tank one started spewing fuel right away told me that it had just the morning test last flight done and my main run was off the other... which .. amazingly after switching sides filled about 9 gallons. Paying up and deciding to go to Sams for gas... which was about 10 cents cheaper than the corner store.. I ran into a balloon Pilot friend.. me looking like death warmed over and her looking far too perky.... Well it was nice to visit.. sorry if my breath was a shade on the toxic side...... Good luck with the run tomorrow.

After I dragged everything back to the house you could already feel the heat coming on... great... Quickly I spread week barrier out front in the sadly cleaned up area... very sad.. going to take me about an hour to get it right.... but.. there you go....

Oh ah.... yes... I got the saws all out and fitted a few less abused blades in and cut off the four long bolts that were waiting to gouge someones knees off... gone.. clear... and a visit by a blue tailed lizard.. name of Bert. He popped over.. walked between my feet.... stopped.. ran back.. investigated one of the newly cut off bolts and sat while I finished up... Then headed for the high grass.. No help what so ever!

It was getting pretty hot out and I knew I had to still figure a way to support the left side shelf... What I wanted didn't work out but I found some metal L brackets that worked fine for now.... Until I take it all down and redo it. I wanted a shelf but I didn't want the weight of all the lumber it would take to do it up a slick. So brackets it was and they work okay. For now. All the chairs went back in their bags and relocated to the center of the shelf while the left has the helmets and bag O stuff. Right side has the tire nut remover and whatever else I can put up there. Maybe gear bags... Dunno yet. Its done. Trailer is as done as it will be.

Later we drove over to Kaufmans for a replacement flying hat.. Got two... Found one old one after... Ran past Five Guys.... Noisy.. then forced our way through Walmart for some extras... Like ice for tomorrow. You can stand there in the isles in Walmart and watch the bovine mentality standing across the isles, with grinding of brain cells they amble this way and that.. letting their offspring crate an impassible area... and when you say.. "excuse me" they look at you like you just told them to (*^@ Off... Bite me you wacko loonies! You do not understand "excuse me"??.. Yeah, they cant seem to do anything that isn't self centered...They cant even understand to look that up..and.... they wont...or cant unless its while taking a selfie in the ham and cheese section.

I really have to remember to only go to Walmart after 6pm or before 10am.

The remainder of my day was finishing up bins.. closets.. paperwork.. and pictures.... lastly blog.

I did purchase some more gloves for the trailer though....!!

Should be four sets now in the trailer.. they do seem to wander off a lot... LOLOLOL... I hope I can find my gloves in the truck where I left them.. but since I cant locate my hats I have worries about that too.

Tomorrow.. ballooning off of Fiesta field.... with the AAAA... There will be a mini Fiesta going on if it like any previous September rally's.... Lots of Balloons.. Usually more than anywhere else in the world but a few... I will be checking the grass..... not pulling anything out if its too wet... If its okay.. pulling things out and rigging to check.. if its real nice we may go fly a bit just to check that part out. I looked at the weather and winds for tomorrow and they are either going the wrong way or not going a good way.. Heading North East from Fiesta field is never a good thing for a short good flight....It heads right to the local Pueblos Golf Course.. They frown ( but bear it ) if we get stuck there... Which we try to not do.

While working on a nice facebook banner my drives kept freezing up... I would spend 45 mins working on something and it would have to be shut down... So I ended up resetting things then doing something up quick.... Oh well.. After Teds morning poster its all I can think.. quiet.. reflective... No bobble heads anywhere... What you people are lucky not to see.... hahaha... Logo poster is information for flying in the Albuquerque area and also a bit from a Oldfield song... 20 instead of 5. QE2.

I like the runway / taxi light kinda thing.

Off I go... to ... well get ready for tomorrow.....