Tuesday, August 18, 2015

747 post.... 747... stupid day.

I always was impressed with the 747 jet. Flying on one from the States to England when I was way young was very cool. People used to dress up to fly. Seats were big and clean and the food generous if not bland. Just keep my sisters away from waffles with maple syrup. Took years to remove the memories of recently upchucked waffle smell.. ugh! heh. Right off the side of the road on that one.

It was a crappy day today. too many requests for things at too fast a pace and too overlapping with little I could do to correct what was going wrong. Sorry Dave. I know you were outta town but it all fell to you ... no options... no access and no time to chase things because everyone wanted it NOW!
Plus there was the problem of people not remembering you were going to be out this week... yup.

Well I hope it all turns out okay... its just very frustrating to have the bucket of chum splashed over my desk and all I can do it look at it and hope its not gonna smell too quickly. Bother and frustration.

Even now I cant let it go... "what could I have done to fix it...."

Sigh.... Hoping tomorrow and the next day and the next go better.... really better.

What did I have time for after work today.. nada.. Got fixated on a map...

New Mexico.. it is much greener than usual... On your way in don't turn around thinking you have hit Colorado by accident...

Which ever way you do arrive for Fiesta this year there you will meet up with our State bird.. the Orange Barrel.

Each of the white square in the picture below is the location of a Barrel grouping or as we like to call them... Forever Flocks.

Once you do get past the FF's you can find your way to the Fiesta Park.. Its the More Greener part of the damn massive green area of Greater Albuquerque. Don't be fooled by the tan colors in this map.. its all lies. Oh.. and there is no airport across I-25 either..

Gratutous PITAS KISS shot... She'll be comin round the .. balloon.. when she comes.. she'll be comein round .. oh the heck with it.. It was a cool shot.

Gratuitous radar shot... wayyyyy in the back there.. you can see almost a micky mouse thing... the bigger of them is the NEXRAD Doppler Radar... wooooo.. cool! Right next to the stinky waste reclamation Area....yaaaaaa..... not. Ignore that pretty balloon in the foreground.

I would tell you who it is but I want to see if he notices it. We did a great fly by him on Sunday.

Oh.. well.. its gonna be a long night and I have a list for today and tomorrow.... hope you have your list ready... Next up... well.. next up after the facebook banner and logo will be putting out an email to the crew for the next month.. or 45 days of events.... Weeee.. hopefully I can get that right.

Another flocking bird closely know because of its nesting habits around Fiesta Park...

My Zone!

OKay.. now to create an email that is coherent.