Monday, March 23, 2015

Crops and Edits

Yeap.... It's a Monday.

What are you contributing? Nothing? Pick up a towel? Run a dishwasher? Pick up the trash your friends chuck about? Oh.. no.. sorry that's just too damn much... but you expect me to do it.... I refer to the bottom line / right side of my facebook banner today. Im done!

Its not just in a house.. its everywhere. Who was your personal servant yesterday? Yeah.. a better term.. butt buddy.. who was wiping it yesterday? I am done with it. I am not picking up after anyone again. Not if I can help it. Too little thank you or too much let him do it and I will just say thanks.. that will cover it. Yeah.. right.

Soapbox is getting a dent in the middle from all the standing on top of and banging the foot down.

Subject touched... Subject moved to the side.

Nothing and no time to take pictures of anything today. Late day minding people who do not know how to call ahead or schedule.. just drop in and expect you to deal with it... So a late day Monday.

Damn soapbox slid back out.

Minen truck with a bit of blue snow on it... something to rest the brain.

I was able to.. when I was also able to sit down and tend to myself, edit a few shots from this last Sundays flying. I wish I was able to be in two places at once.. I would have loved to get pictures of the Top Gun flyers as well as where I was. Yes I should be happy with the fun I had and I am but I do also want to do that too.. crazy huh. From lethargy to overrunning need to be everywhere.

A few below...

Edge of Light. Puff of Steam.
 A little too fuzzy but I didnt pull out the tripod.

N4KY close
 Dual turning vents up real close.

 Nice on road landing.

 Smooth, supple, tones.

Multiple tracks in the damp sand.

I had a bit of wood I took a picture of but I cant find it for some reason. I will look harder .. later...

My facebook banner and logo for the day...

Day 193 and Up Yours Mate!
 I noticed a Bath Balloons logo out there and felt umbrage at it as they wouldn't let me join the local club a ways back.. so I created my own damn gang! Upper Weston / Combe Park Burners! Hah!

Upper Weston  is the area my Grandfathers house was in and Combe Park was the road it was on. We lived there for a while before we moved to Lower Weston when we returned to Bath. I have claims.. I option that claim! Wait till tomorrow or the day after for another.. Gonna make badge or somethin..

It looks like this in full.

and with a little weathering.

Logo... Pilots of the dawn.
I had the idea of the four of us Pilots all geared up looking off into the distance with our balloons in the background. Since I didn't have pictures of our Pilot guys with headgear and I didn't have the time to get the balloons and all I borrowed some aviators and melded it together and then modified the whole thing. It turned out pretty darned good for a speed edit.

I am now going to try and find something else to take my mind off my irritations.

Hope your irritations are of less derision and easier to put aside.

Oh.. and I didn't even talk about the loss of my Gimp tools and it took forever to get them back.