The title of an Ian Anderson album I pretty much detest. Sorry but it had to be said. I've been holding that in for quite a while.
Aside from that little outburst it has been an interesting day. Hang on a sec.. gotta get some music on.
Okay.. some oddly strange electronic swing.
Woe be you who cannot find the E key.... nevermind. I kept typing the w or r key.. continuously. Wow.
I was about to start cutting bait instead of fishing and got sidetracked right away. I was looking for JPGs of 2014 and found a scad noun : a large number or quantity or chum
of NEF files that shouldn't have been where they were and and a massive amount of Chum JPGs missing from where they were supposed to be. So now I have attached all the NEF drives to find out what where and why.. so in stead of fishing or cutting bait I am mending nets. Weee!Aside from that though its been a temperamental week. But lets even shove that aside. Lets go to instead a friends video capturing of Saturdays balloon flight who was nicely close behind me. So the video was great and I was able to see what I was doing from a distance and it was a good video. Amazing how many wind changes were between where they were and where I was at very similar levels above the ground. Too bad you all are not on a facebook connection since that's the only place it is. I have one more video file to edit down.. and that was from the gopro 3 that was on my left side. I may do that tonight if I feel up to it. Searching for files in the evening is a bad thing.I did was to share more edits I have done since its been a while for blogsphere. Oh I put the gopro on 720 60 fpm this time so I wonder how that will effect the video. Time for some testing.... soon..Edits...
Each bleak and chilling.. okay.. maybe the Shamrock isn't but it could be. More adjustments to these before I am ready to print.. hahah.. print....
Listening to Alan Parsons .. Id rather be a man.... Interesting lyrics. Oh can I get lost in my head. Good day for it.
Shotgun! Yup.. totally shotgun thinking.
More of yesterdays rambling man....
So.. question.. When do you stop taking pictures and do something with them? Right after.. Or is it.. pictures then edit then print then pictures then edit then print... or what.
Ah well.. I will figure it out soon.
Question.... Do you really need to be so into your phone that you need this?
For a friend who is always pinching a flower here and there.. be cautious girl!
Just funnin ya!
Like nesting dolls.. hahaha..
How many other secrets are sitting there waiting ....
Wobblingly at this point.. asking.... "what is the meaning of all this.... this... hall? On and on... flat out tired here... still stumbling along.. hopefully an answer is to be had along the way... even a kiosk that had lies Id accept a newspaper from at this point. I think even some Edison Medicine? "Hay!"... a slight twitch from the head ahead of me... did I catch a smirk? Bah!