Saturday, February 28, 2015

Post process distruction

Ya ever want to smash something good and hard.. yeah... USB controller problems all day long. Spent almost the whole day removing everything and setting it up. testing... testing... thinking I had it licked to have it appear again and not go away. Nothing on the internet to point a finger... all it says is buy a usb hub with power.. duh.. I have those and it changes nothing. I cannot daisy chain nor plug multiple usb hubs into this dock and have it work. I can only plug in six external units and have them work. Any more and it fails. Now why it worked at work has me baffled for now. Working on updates to see if one of them has some help... Stopped to write up my blog and relax a bit.

I watched the snow come down overnight. We added something like four more inches of compressed snow to the existing five or six inches already on the ground. Massive problems on the roads due to the amount of snow and I have no clue why the roads were covered in snow. Im talking main arterial s ..not the side roads. Seemed there wasn't enough plows on the roads to make a difference. Go figure.. Its been almost 7 years since we had this much snow at once. That meant sitting in the house and waiting. Around 11ish the sun broke through and three or four hours later the snow was 2/3rds gone. Roads were mostly dry and the idiots figured now was the time to try and run into someone. We ventured out to quickly return with some food items and a hearty "I aint goin out there with the idiots again soon" comment.

I did take some pictures.. I got out of my chair and with comments from the net got outside and took some pictures before it all disappeared. There was little but white and white but I did snap a few interesting ones. I got some Bohek on and edited a few for width... Worth the frozen fingers and cold head... oh and snow encrusted boot laces. I will play with them more tomorrow as its wash day and I will be waiting for the chime to tell me I am done so.... good time to do things with pictures. Below are some favorites.... not all... friends got some great ones too....

Basket In Repose.

Frosty Pods.

One Drop.

30 Depth.

Power Wagon.

Balloons In The Sky.

Cheated on the last one. Too cold, wet, muddy, to go ballooning...even though balloon colors in the snow is an amazing and always fun thing to do though I do not have a tarp to lay the envelope out nor a room large enough to dry it out if it got wet...which is never a good thing...ever.

As much as I would love to go flying I wish there was a delivery system so I could just show up and jump in and fly... The whole heat tanks, get snacks ready, remember to go buy snacks, get soda, buy more soda cause someone drank all the soda, drive out of yard without knocking other truck off its blocks, find nice place to lay tarp out then unload... Oh... dear oh dear....

I also would not want to force the crew out to slog through all the snow and now mud to put it all together, chase, then pack up everything... I would feel bad. I wouldn't mind meeting everyone at Wecks tomorrow around 10ish for breakfast though... That sounds wonderful. We normally do that after the Albuquerque Aloft school launches the day before Fiesta Starts. Its a chance for us ballooners to bring our fun to the kids at school and teach them about ballooning. Its always fun.. and the after launch or standup and chatting coffee and red or green chili ( enter food type ) is excellent and a great time. AHhh well.... I can always dream.

Enjoy your warm evening ensconsed in your home... nibbling something sweet perhaps or drinking that hot toddy/adult drink or cocoa ( which I am about to go make ) and snuggle up with someone special ( even if thats the dog ( which it is again hah! ) because she can ) and sit back.... relax..

If you are working or reading this from work or days after I post it... keep that warmth in mind... Shut off the crazy and stop wiggling about. Enjoy that you can sit and enjoy.... the crazy circular comments.. yeah baby!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Last Laughs

Here I was thinking spring was about to sprung and Id have to get out of my chair and start doing "things" around the outside of the house. HAH! Snow.. more snow and snow on that snow. The drive into work showed that there are some loonies out there and some poor people caught behind those people. Watched about 20 to 30 cars slide backwards down the over ramp to I-40 Eastbound as one decided to slap on the breaks and lost traction causing all the others to panic break, slip and slide back down the hill..... Me? I slowly turned my indicator on for a left lane change and promptly drove slowly past that gaggle. It took an hour to get to work. It was cold all day but still I was able to move old cube walls out to our exterior storage area ( with help from Tony ) and cleared the electronics floor of stuff. I even organized the exterior storage area so that its easier to get at the new to us tall cube walls. The drive home with more snow falling was only slightly longer than normal.. mostly due to people cutting lanes without proper turn signals or regard for the person they just cut off... smarrrt!

The hard drive insanity continues. Even hooking up all different usb hubs and all its not working correctly. Time to remove everything from the cabinet and on a table where I can check power and connections. Strange that it all works at work but here no joy. Its very strange... very very strange.
If I have to drag everything to the office again I am going to be very mad. It took me all of five minutes to set it up and verify it... frustrating.

Yeah.. and that's not the only problem out there. I was prepping to do a bunch of polar edits and find out that my other copies of GIMP will not do transparency healing anymore. Thank goodness the main home unit does it just fine. I would have been very unhappy if I had to heal everything by hand.. blah.. Below are some fun ones I worked on late last night.

Every one in detail if you could zoom in on them... sparkles and spots.

Noodles!! This one gave me much trouble. I am still not real happy with it but loved the noodles part.

City Drug. Love this one as it seems to just float there...which is cool.

Route 66 Chromium. I twitched a few values and it went from cool to awesome.

RAVEN in simplicity. Golden warm glow... I could process it some more but its so clean.

Camino! The depth stopped me and I just tightened it up.

Montano & Coors. My favorite for the day. No frame.. Just nicely rusticated.

I will probably print these for showing. I want them at about 30 inches by 30 inches but they could go to 48 inches easily. I think they make a dramatic wall statement. I blacked the background mostly because I would frame these in a square frame and hang them on their point. I love the idea of it being off the standard square and on the diamond. I have yet to see anything like it so don't go stealing my idea cause I have these set ups from quite a few years back..... Art thieves beware.

Had some excellent grilled cheese sammiches for dinner topped off with a great cup of cocoa in my favorite retro mug. Now the dog is already snoring on my legs and I think I am stuck for the remainder of the evening. I did a few off kilter edits after I got home but I will post those later since they do not match the diamond polar... or polar diamonds.

Sweet!  Stay warm.. no more colds... get some soup...make me some... and a bit of cherry pie after.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Direct Cerebral Hyperactive Syndrome.

I have it. Its when you brain refuses to give you a minutes break from anything at all. It continues to pound you with everything without stop. Yeah I made the name up but damn if it don't feel like it.

The hard drive adventure is still going. Still getting strange controller errors. More tests tomorrow.

I edited some shots that caught my eye. Digging through the drive data finds all sorts of things that would be worth the time to play with. Along the way getting distracted by whatever crosses my skull.
All of the shots used are from our Doppler 88D Radar ( Weather Radar ).

Multiple layer edit. Worth it as it came out nicely.

This is my favorite for the night. Again, multiple later edit. Loved the way the blues and reds poked through.

Standard warning. Nice flecks in the background.

This is a edit of a very very very small picture I edited for the numbers. My tail numbers. If I had a tail.

So many things out there to do.. I really want to .. break for Pizza.... Oh.. yes.. and I am holding off writing... because I always want to jump right in there and start writing.... yes.... Pizza.. headache.. cold... Pizza is supposed to help that right? Squirrel! Elephant.... SHOE! BRB

OKay back... Pizza was okay but my headache is more apparent now. Blah! I have to find a way to center my thoughts. I do really want to expand the polarized centerpoint shots. They are so cool and I would put them up on my wall if I could.

Nothing on the internet that was worth telling you about.. really... very sad.... cats, more cats and a few furry snakes..... If I find something cool I will let ya know! I have more things to write later.

Brain cramps!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Realities Note

Stuck at home sniffling through the night... yay me! Was almost able to go have some Chili's with friends and nope... snorted and sneezed my way through the day today. Blah! It all sucks majorly.

So on the way home I stopped at the Walmart on Ourey and I-40 to get medications.... what a rip off! Milk 3.88 a gallon. Its 2.30 a gallon at the neighborhood store at Paseo and Golfcourse. Also they were "out" of a lot of generic medicines. I can find those all the time at the other store. It is officially off my list of stores I will visit. What is very irritating is it is smack dab in a low income area and people who do not have transportation have to go there to buy their food. Nice that. 

So home.. medicated and staring at the walls. I did at last get the final storage drives sorted out. Its complicated. Between splitting drive contents to fit specifically sized drives and larger drives.. It gets confusing. If it was economically sound to just go buy three or four 4 gig hard drives I would do that. Sorry.. until I run out of space I cant justify the cost ( not that bad but unjustifiable! ). When I do I will be giving hard drives for birthday gifts hahahaha.....

Happy Birthday. here is a 1 TB drive... happy birthday... hope you like 1.5 TB drives.. YAY you!

Not much time to do much of anything with anything. Oh.. I almost forgot... I ran across a PHDick interview... he had much to say with alternate realities along the line of my story line enough for me to get a little worried. He had some quite interesting things to say about the whole thing. The link is below.

Pretty freaky..... very freaky.

Until I know differently I will continue to roll with this reality.. if you disappear its because you never really existed... granted if the disappearance and appearance of things and people continue.. well.. then its quite apparent that you can cross from one to another.... be warned....

On the photography and editing plane of existence I have only these to posit....

Almost all of the below were made for Facebook profile pictures so the quality is low to fit that parameter.

Lindstrand Awesome burner edit.... 

New strange "art" at the balloon museum. Its a balloon catcher... cables poles to get stuck on... 

Fabric water colors.

My poem during this last Fiesta. Says it all.

I love polarizing then flipping these edits on their point. They would make great wall hangings.

Then there is the end of the Sandia range to the North... Something makes me love that last little ridge on the left.

And now its time for bed..... tomorrow... more......... medications... and edits....Yay again!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Trial and Errors.. many many errors!

Ever wonder what happens when a weather office has to stop processing the weather due to a main computer upgrade or a power outage or or or>?/??? Ya ever thought? Cant just not do the weather! Cant not just do warnings and watches and hazards.....

We just completed a pretty convoluted mod on the main computer system... so the forecasters couldn't not forecast.... They pretty much worked on what they could but there was no way to send that out or even get it out via NWRadio except manually. What is done is that one of our sister offices handled everything. In this case the weather office in St Teresa / El Paso handled their area as well as ours... They did great. The mod was two days with today being the second day. Nothing went as the process was supposed to. Stellar work by our ITO kept it from bogging down. ITOs are seemingly sitting around but they arnt. Removing an ITO from an office is like taking the wheels off your car and expecting it to keep going. Yeah.. the wheels sit there most times just invisibly holding things up.. but take them off and you are on blocks.... Yeah.. tortured but its the truth.

What made it better was the bagels and doughnuts! Oh and lots of coffee. Something like 10 hours yesterday and 5 today. Its chugging along and our forecasters took over from El Paso around 1pm. Seems the weather held off just until then because right after it started snowing in town. Whew!

Tomorrow its back to running around in circles, leaping to conclusions, questioning everyting that moves or not.... and hoping there is closure on other things.... I do have to bring in and replace the other side of my office, make calls, answer email.... If you ever want to see what we do.. come visit.

Now getting home and putting things away. Trying to do a few edits that are worthy of the wall. Separating hard drives and finding one that went missing. Gotta think about that for a moment and figure out what I did and why. I did find out that a surface pro computer will not allow the daisy-chaining of hubs without a dock. Add a dock and it runs everything easily.. why??? who knows but i t must be a controller thing. Now to sort more out. then move the backups to the office for safekeeping.

Here is what I played with this evening using the same process that I used yesterday except... well you can see....





Fun things to do in your moments on mental breakdown.

Two things are or have happened today...but I deleted that rant.....  Do not let the govt sell you anything... it will always cost you more than you think for less. Every damn time. I am tired of the stupid people. Idocoracy every damn day.

Signing off... tomorrow is "slap an Idiot day!"

Monday, February 23, 2015


Watching designonhgtv... wow .. what a load of junk!

The judges are vapid and hollow... the designers are okay but its just meh!

There is an under-currant of favoritism regardless of what is being made or is made. Meh!


But that's me...

Since I am still having problems with hubs and external drives and controllers and such I didnt much do anything at all tonight. One thing I really did like and that was a redo of something I had already done already...again! Nothing says you can revisit something. Every time I turn around I can think of something else that might be done. This one I saw last night but could not get it out at that time. Tonight it came out nicely. I would put this on my wall at about 6 by 2 feet. Yeah.. not just because its my colors and envelope... but its cool!

I did get a note from a friend that my balloon was seen again in India on another huge billboard. It must have been a stock shot taken at ( I'm sure ) Fiesta. Surprised that they keep using the same one. I am not complaining.. I love it. LOL... Below is the banner.

Right behind the "28th" YAY!

Here is what I came up with tonight....

Love the little lights.... A single in the darkness.

Roadside rampage.

Highper Sky

Love the last one the most..... Ah well... I thing.. No I know I can recreate this again. I did write this one down. Something like 22 different edit runs. Maybe two to three hours.

I got a gig next month.. looking forward to it in a strange way as it is off my beaten path but doable and done. I worry because I would not want to make anyone unhappy. So.. fingers crossed on that.

It was a long and dreary day...... Humor was necessary and pretty much required due to some novel programming and instructions. I would wish that tomorrow was less novel and more straightforward.
I am all for getting things done and finished.... pushed aside into a good file and onto more interesting and functional things.

Oh.. we are back to it being cold outside again so I do not feel the need to go out and risk frostbite to take pictures... Wonderful for procrastinators everywhere.

Have a good one!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Divisional thoughts

Sunday meditations....

If you cant change it then go along with it?

Are we just a hologram and if so why do we feel pain?

What is the priority? When it changes every few moments can it be called a priority?

Why can I not hook up more than five or six drives before my surface gives me a "not enough controllers" error. Yes I am using powered hubs.

Minor questions and not the most important either.

Im stumped tonight.

I spent a lot of today looking through files getting run off track at almost every second. I achieved little except frustration.

What is the use of a file system if you can never remember how you filed something the last time?

The only thing I did do was a few edits including the one above.. which I did two different ways.. below is the other one.

Another hour edit for the heck of it.. crazy I know.

Here are three I did last night...

Zoomed in, hue adjust, crop, layer, drop shadow, title.

Slight zoom, massive tone map as it was a dark shot, hue adjust, drop shadow, title.

Crop,hue adjust, clip, layer, solar flare, fade, overlay, drop shadow, title.
 Fun but I keep getting carried away by trying different applications to find just the right one.

I never write anything down. I would be a bad scientist as would never write down my procedures and steps so i would never be able to reapply or verify. Perhaps I need to reevaluate my location of process so that I have a place to write down each step along the way.... so much thinking... so much work.

Maybe I just like the surprise! Yeah... that's it! Its always a surprise so I keep doing it this way! Whew!  Thought I was just going crazy.

Here is a twenty something step process I did on the crown of my balloon. I was really trying to make it look like an edit I did earlier with another friends balloon but it didn't come out right... I was trying to make a hairless hamster and ended up with a hamster that was 20 pounds instead!!! SCIENCE!

See.. this is what I was trying for.... I think I know what step I missed...

I really like how this turned out....

Maybe less sun in the middle.... Hmmm..

Off I go.

Nothin on the internet was interesting... mostly rehashes of other crap that other people had posted and gotten wrong or so skewed by their tiny minds need to force their reality on others instead of being the "supposed" open minded, free thinking, everyone leave me and mine along, I have rights but you dont people.... pretty damn sad.

Oh.. and my opinion.. if you let the govt regulate the internet and its content it will die in the US. Read Tad Williams Otherland series... A Subnet will or already exists that cannot be controlled by the tiny minds.  Sad that we have to be controlled by those same people who do not want anyone controlling them. Rant, rant, rant.

So.. no net links.. no story continuation either... geeee.... how scuzzy is this. Since its my blog I decided about five seconds ago that I can do what I want... Don't Oppress me Bro!

I am off to edit my crown shot slightly.. need to get that hairless hamster!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Interesting day going to Pets Mart and then "Wall" Mart....Ask me which had more nice animals in it... Go on.

Right.. Pets Mart! Met a couple of very nice dogs.. squeeked some toys and bought a muzzle ( had to clip some puppy nails ) ( said puppy is sleeping on my lap at the moment ). ( Oh..also some idiots tried to steal a puppy from the adoption area... STUPID ).

Most of the visitors to Walmart were grumpy, standing in the middle of the isle with their baskets canted across, creating log jams of grungy grumpy snarly animals. Just say excuse me and get snorted at! It was fun....not. Glad I didn't have lunch before. Bought things for work. Super tempted to buy a 30 inch tv for the office so I could put my calender on it so it would be in front of me all the time. I have a 22 inch monitor at home I could take to work which I could use. Not the impact but .. it might work.

I did finish fixing nets today. I was able to verify my mirrors of picture hard drives and also check that all the files were there. Comforting to know they are. Now I should be taking those drives to work so if there is a fire or break in at the house I wont lose both. I have to find a secure place first... I will think of that in a bit.

WARNING.... back up your pictures, videos, music... mirroring them is the hardest way but the best and easiest way to secure those precious data bits.

Notice the weird characters and highlighting on last nights blog. Yeah. Stupid site kept formatting weirdly. I could erase everything and retype or leave it. Nice. May have to find a better site to blog to.

I edited the take from my GoPro3. I had it on the side of the basket last Saturday. It died after 1 1/2 hours so missed the landing. I had it pointed in ( right )  too far so it was only okay. Its edited to 27 times normal speed and normal speed in other parts. Music went well with it. At 60 fps it turned out very clearly. Happy about that... Here is the link....

Here is the 360 degree fisheye unedit viewpoint.. Nauseous.

Last is the split of the 360. It still gets funny at the bottom and the quality isn't the best.

I will have to try some different settings.

I only edited one picture today with all the driving and shopping and net mending....

I like it..

Nice and green. This was a green light in a lit room..okay Saggio's restaurant. Took a bit to get it here.

Some that I played with earlier.... I changed a letter of a word.. which one was it?

Edited for level... touched the hue... Love the NO!

I have to print some of these soon darnit! I think the NO would be great at 4 foot by 1.5 feet over my desk at work. Hahaha

Stuffing fingers into vest pockets, slipping long coat backwards and glaring at the smirk... smirk smirk smirk..... "What are you smirking about?!" Drifts back..."this hallway... Have you had enough of it yet?" Is that even a necessary question? Clop, clop...walk walk... "Yes! Somewhat shouting through fixed lips, YES!"  About ten paces ahead the "butler" turns sharply stopping directly, causing me to come to a short quick halt... "Just say they word." .... Word?????  "WORD!"


Friday, February 20, 2015

Continuous preaching blues

The title of an Ian Anderson album I pretty much detest. Sorry but it had to be said. I've been holding that in for quite a while.

Aside from that little outburst it has been an interesting day. Hang on a sec.. gotta get some music on.

Okay.. some oddly strange electronic swing.

Woe be you who cannot find the E key.... nevermind. I kept typing the w or r key.. continuously. Wow.

I was about to start cutting bait instead of fishing and got sidetracked right away. I was looking for JPGs of 2014 and found a scad           noun : a large number or quantity or chum

of NEF files that shouldn't have been where they were and and a massive amount of Chum JPGs missing from where they were supposed to be.  So now I have attached all the NEF drives to find out what where and why.. so in stead of fishing or cutting bait I am mending nets. Weee!Aside from that though its been a temperamental week. But lets even shove that aside. Lets go to instead a friends video capturing of Saturdays balloon flight who was nicely close behind me. So the video was great and I was able to see what I was doing from a distance and it was a good video. Amazing how many wind changes were between where they were and where I was at very similar levels above the ground. Too bad you all are not on a facebook connection since that's the only place it is. I have one more video file to edit down.. and that was from the gopro 3 that was on my left side. I may do that tonight if I feel up to it. Searching for files in the evening is a bad thing.I did was to share more edits I have done since its been a while for blogsphere. Oh I put the gopro on 720 60 fpm this time so I wonder how that will effect the video. Time for some testing.... soon..Edits...

Each bleak and chilling.. okay.. maybe the Shamrock isn't but it could be. More adjustments to these before I am ready to print.. hahah.. print....

Listening to Alan Parsons .. Id rather be a man.... Interesting lyrics. Oh can I get lost in my head. Good day for it.

Shotgun! Yup.. totally shotgun thinking.

More of yesterdays rambling man....

So.. question.. When do you stop taking pictures and do something with them? Right after.. Or is it.. pictures then edit then print then pictures then edit then print... or what.

Ah well.. I will figure it out soon.

Question.... Do you really need to be so into your phone that you need this?

For a friend who is always pinching a flower here and there.. be cautious girl!

Just funnin ya!

Like nesting dolls.. hahaha..

How many other secrets are sitting there waiting ....

Wobblingly at this point.. asking.... "what is the meaning of all this.... this... hall? On and on... flat out tired here... still stumbling along.. hopefully an answer is to be had along the way... even a kiosk that had lies Id accept a newspaper from at this point.  I think even some Edison Medicine? "Hay!"... a slight twitch from the head ahead of me... did I catch a smirk? Bah!