Monday, October 13, 2014

Back to the stack

Didn't think I would want to write more so soon. yesterdays blog on Fiesta was such a quick brush over the realities of it all.

Listening to Zero 7 - Swing.

Music affects much of my thought processes.

Off on a full left turn there. I had to stop and think about "it all" again. The people, the pressure, the procedures.

People. Many fantastic people circulating within arms reach. How can you talk to all of them and spend quality time with each one. Ya cant but you can try. I missed a bunch that I did want to talk to.

Fiesta field is so massive and there are so many hours in the day....or as many hours as you possibly can before your are falling asleep in your chair.

Next year I am going to pack a bag of clothes to change into. I usually wear black bdu pants for flying since they breath and are pretty baggy, making it easier to jump in and out of the basket. Sturdy boots are also a must. Landing in the field on Saturday proved that. Even with those boots I have deep rips in the back of my calf's from the thorn bushes. It would be very nice to jump into a pair of shorts and sandals. I did walk around in my socks for a bit but going to the portas without shoes is insane.

Thinks passing through the brains. HAH

I edited one video today. It is good but not what it could be editing all five cameras into one video. I didn't have the time for that. I do have all year to do that. I will do the quick and easy first, go back and edit a few other things, make a crew video, then I will go back and edit multi stream videos.

The pressure to fly was there but more in the background than years before. I think that was because I had an extra 10 gallons of propane. A good buffer if the winds picked up and I had to look South to land. Knowing a little more about my systems ability to drop into pockets and quickly deflate was nice too.

Procedures. I have to look into a different way of deflating the envelope on regular days though. Instead of having the crown crew work so hard to bring it down I want to see what just holding it and letting the envelope fall does. Just enough pull on the crown line to keep it from falling over the basket. Hmmm.. The setup is working great. Putting enough weight on the basket stops the envelope from gyrating in the wind. The crews speed and quick action helped Saturday also when we inflated against the light wind. The balloon came up and because of the direction of the wind it closed the throat. A swift 180 degree twist of the system opened it back up and we were golden.

Good and knowledgeable crew are what makes it easy to fly and protect the balloon from damage. There were a lot of burned panels and rips and tears on the field this year.

A very safe Fiesta this year. Lets hope it continues.

Lots of pictures still to look at and add in. Some more with thoughts.

 Morning Pilot brief at the tower. 500 plus Pilots. Think about that one for a moment.

 The Balloon Museum. Light and color in the morning air.

 The flames from a burner check are amazing. I don't think I'm a pyromaniac but danged if there isnt something beautiful in how the roiling flows.

 With 500 plus balloons of different sizes on the field and two waves it is still tight on the launch grids. We know our neighbors so its all good. My truck nose near Diamonds.

A quick liftoff after a hard inflation for this racer. Going up or down quickly over fiesta field.. and heck anywhere within four miles was a cautious thing. I had to do about three sets of quick ( 200 fpm )  up and down maneuvers over the field to avoid balloons coming up or down at me. Quite a trip.

So there you go, another quick glimpse of Fiesta. More as my brain processes it all. I dont want to type all night and things are hitting as I remember them.

Tomorrow I go back to work. Comfortably hectic. I cant wait. I would love someone to go through all the email that is in my in basket. I fear that..LOL. A good cup of coffee and a pop tart should see me through. I hope.

Talk to you all tomorrow maybe.