Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bungie ..Jumpin

Just got back from my brothers. Card games and chatting. New game for me call books and runs?! At first it sounded pretty weird but after watching the hands go by it was pretty fun. I should have taken some meds over to stop my head aching. But fun.
Seems that the one who can't seem to set their cards right was kicking butt when we left. I wonder who won?

Wa! No.. oww... Wa! no.. keep you head up... Now... OWWW1!!  Good Good!

I am sitting and in the background I can hear the QVC cosmetics whatever going on. Ouch. The pain. The false advertizing!!

This is going up on my gate. I am also removing my doorbell.
Im done tired of the interruptions to my hermit-hood. Go way! Far way...way way away.

I was going to into a whole big statement on... well.. something else but it was a bit screed so I deleted it.

Onto other  pretty weird things. See the picture below? Yes.. I had an addiction. I am a year free. I only have a starbucks coffee maybe once a month. I cannot believe how much I drank of their Latte's
Then there are the cups...

Yes. No. Not as bad as the coffee but between the coffee and sammiches ( and they do make some wonderful sammiches ) I was burning through too much money. Again. Off these for a year also.

This is some of the things in my office that I cleared out. I have many many pictures of everything I took out. 
I had all my banners at work. They were laying above on the shelf. I took pictures of them but I have to do it again, some are not good enough. I went with different sets and these are an idea of what I wanted.

This is a favorite as my Dad signed it. "The Chief". Sweet. I can tell my fathers "e" anywhere.
I'm using this one as the background of my phone right now. turned sideways.

Every shot I take I think about their use on the computer or phone as a background, wall paper. Its what I do.

Some of my many pins I collected over the years. 

Some of the magnetic signs I made so everyone knows where I am that everyone ignores.

Lindstrand Fuel Tank Sticker. And my QSO handle picture for my phone. 

And when I need a good laugh I pull this one up. Why...Because!!

Bunny...pancake. I need flash cards at work. I think most in my office would pull this out everytime I start talking.. hahahahhaha

What was on the nets tonight sucked.... A few good stories but not a heck of a lot.

Maps, Maps and more maps... Pretty cool.

Here I thought that normal people are normal.. this is very weird.

Why is this amazing.. Man had to eat?! Its not art.. its a flippen grocery list! What some people think is art... 

We have been here before. Oh.. and after looking at the new Mac.. I have come to the conclusion that its a trash can. An overpriced trash can. I can show you the trash cans in the Airport here... Other than the big Q on the side they look just like the new Mac. I am all for following innovation and usefulness and such but at what cost. Just because you can doodle up a simplistic design...its not ART. Okay to some its art. Id rather make my own. Here I go again.

Yes. He was a great artist. Yes, what he did was great art. I don't think he charged as much as Apple is for a can. Let me just go with number 8 or 9 on the list and say. As green as possible. As reusable as possible. 

No I am not slamming on all artists. I am slamming crappy overpriced art. Just find some color to wear please.

Hahahahahahahahaa... I crack myself up. I should talk to Mark about some of his paintings again. He understands what I am talking about. I would pay for him to paint something for me. Id pay other artists too because what they create is art not gobble de gook. What is in some galleries is not art. It belongs in that trash can.

And last but not least....

Oh and the folks at Bungie are amazing.. Thumbs up guys.

Nuff said? Probably not.