Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My nose is cold

Nose is cold.. pinky finger feels numbish and sweaty. so weird.

What a day. spent the day working on travel. let me tell you. Crazy.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and still got a bunch of stuff to do still.

I did get some lemon pies after work and they are in the fridge. Dunno if I will have one tonight but they are there.

Home and waiting for pizza rolls. Looked at everything else I could have and I had a nice rice peppers and chicken lunch so they healthy part of the day is past.

I am going to go play with some polar edits. I will post a few here in a bit. I have to go look for the back of my ballooning card.. where the heck did I put it? Okay.. back in a bit.

I didn't do a good job with the blending...I will have to revisit this one. Nice though it is.

And here I swapped poles just to see what would happen... Limited flying area..kinda trippy.

And a night shot of a sign flipped... nice and somewhat abstract...

Another night sign...

And my favorite of the day... Route 66 Central.

Yeah that is fun.

I guess I will have to make another gallery up soon.. these are so much fun to do.

Lets see if there is anything interesting out there on the nets...

Yeah... Um... okay.....


And .. yeah! NO!!


This is very cool... and the video at the end is worth it... for the technology.. and the clothes and interesting enough the personal space as well as the actions of the people in it. Very interesting.


If you want to die of boredom read my email... yawn..
